Monday, June 29, 2020

Building an income portfolio

Allco Commercial Reit

My very first equity investment was in Allco Commercial Reit way back in October 2007. I recall choosing this because it's P/B was among the lowest of the Reits listed on SGX and yet its dividend yield was relatively higher than most. To me then, it seemed like a no-brainer!

I can't recall much but shortly afterwards, financial crisis of 2008/09 happened and everything went red. I can't recall what was the lowest price it went to but it must have been bad. I was actually quite chill about it because I wasn't only invested in this counter and since I was still collecting dividend from it, I thought I would sit tight and observe. In fact I recall I was constantly on the look out to invest into more companies! Eventually Fraser and Neave came and bought over the Reit! So the Reit was renamed Frasers Commercial Trust and I sold it in October 2010, exactly 3 years later. 

On hindsight it wasn't a good investment call right from the beginning as I did not know why the Reit had low P/B. Neither did I fully appreciate its business or the properties it held, how steady would the dividend be. So I decided to sell then at price of $0.155 per share. I bought into the Reit with $7,299.6 and got back $6,789.78 + $724.84 in dividend. So my total profit was $214.93, less than 1% return per year! Over the years the Reit underwent many changes and is now know as Frasers Logistics and Commercial Trust, selling currently for around $1.10+ per share! So again on hindsight, I made another mistake of selling too early, without fully understanding the potential of the Trust. Two mistakes in one investment, Ouch!

Journey so far

It has been more than 10 years since I started investing directly in equities listed on SGX. I'm glad to have embarked on this journey. Despite many mistakes I have made, as the graph below illustrates, portfolio value has been growing steadily over the years. More importantly, dividends collected has also been steadily increasing. Hopefully despite the Covid-19 situation, dividend collected this year can finally cross the $10,000 per year mark!

Covid-19 has been very scary. It has affected many many people worldwide in many many ways. But I am also very fortunate that my wife and I are able to work from home, and hence we continue to draw a salary. In fact, have being using the opportunity provided to invest more! How will this impact the portfolio value in future? Only time will tell! 

Till then, hope the world can work together and overcome this challenge soon. I do not know how soon things will return to normal, but I strongly believe that once again "this too will pass". So I shall keep calm and collect dividends! 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Value investing for income

Beginning of another milestone

I have been thinking about blogging my investment journey for sometime. This could serve as my journal to record my journey. Perhaps years later, I could look back and see how silly I was? Or it could be a platform for my children to learn how I learnt investing and embarked on this journey. Lastly, my biggest wish is to reach out and see if this could help me connect to a wider community interested in the same topic as me.

Thus far investing has being a pretty lonely and boring journey. Boring as I practice value investing for income. Hence most days, there are hardly any actions; I need to make only a few investing decisions each year. Worse is the loneliness in this journey. I find that surprisingly few people around me are invested in the equity market. Even if there are, they are mostly speculating than investing. Nothing wrong with speculating, but it just doesn't work for me. 

Value investing for income

After a few years of trial and error, I figured the method that suits me the most is to adopt this strategy of purchasing good companies at a price that is fair to below market value. For me good companies should have growing earnings and decent dividend payout, in industries that are growing or at least provide a service that can be considered essential in the near to foreseeable future. 

Dividend payout is important for me as I hope to replace the earned income that my wife and I make with passive income in the not too distant future. While it is still work in progress and current dividend collected is still far from replacing our earned income, I am happy that dividend we collect has been growing year on year. At least I seem to be on track!


I have been reading other investing blogs of local investors for some years. The two blogs I enjoy and frequent the most are AK Assi and STE's blog. They are inspirations of some sorts for me, both in approach to investing and looking at life in general. Perhaps in time to come I will muster the courage and be think-skinned to "make friends" with them! 😅